4 Tips for Safety Training in the Workplace

food safety in the workplace
Photo credit: Shutterstock

Unfortunately, the workplace can be a dangerous place for a lot of people. Employees can face a wide range of risks from carpal tunnel syndrome to broken bones. Not only is a workplace accident a terrible situation for the employee(s) or customers involved, but the company can lose a lot of money too. That is why it is imperative that your workplace practices proper and effective safety training to prevent these accidents. Let’s take a look at our safety training checklist that will help you create a safe and secure work environment. 

Safety Training Tips

1. Determine Your Workplace Hazards

If you can’t recognize the hazards that are unique to your workplace, then the safety training that comes after will lose its effectiveness. To begin your training, inspect your work environment for any hazards an employee may encounter. Based on your field of work, this can include anything from food to equipment safety or even cybersecurity. If you want to ensure that every hazard is identified, then you may want to have a job hazard analysis (JHA) performed. This involves a team of professionals coming to your workplace to properly investigate it for potential risks or hazards. After the dangers are identified, you can make an effective plan to control them. 

2. Manage Your Hazards

Before you can train your employees on how to maintain a safe workplace, you must control the hazards they may face. If you can’t completely eliminate the hazard, try to substitute it with something else. Once you have gone through each hazard in your work environment, it is then time to train your employees on the remaining risks. 

3. Train Your Employees

Depending on the nature of your work, there may be training regulations that already exist for your workplace. Regulatory agencies like MSHA and OSHA have set requirements for many occupations. If training doesn’t already exist for your work, then it is important to create an effective training program. To begin, it is important to choose a learning style that your employees will benefit from the most. Next, emphasize that the safety training will benefit every individual employee in a personal manner. It can be helpful to split your training into chunks to help your employees absorb all the information. After your training is completed, it’s important to maintain what was learned. 

4. Maintain Your Safety With Regular Check-Ups

Safety training is pointless if your employees forget the regulations or new hazards pop up in your workplace. To counteract this, test your employees to reiterate the training regulations. Also, regularly checking your workplace for new risks can help you maintain a safe environment. 

Safety Training with RiskLimiter

All of the tips on this safety training checklist can be easily executed with the help of RiskLimiter’s safety training app. Through advanced technology, the RiskLimiter Inspector helps to verify employee routines, ensure acceptable facility conditions and enhance your company’s safety procedures. When these safety training tips are combined with the RiskLimiter Inspector app, you can create a safe and secure work environment for your employees and customers. Download it today or schedule a demo to see what it’s all about!